Oct 29, 2024

Deputy Sheriff's Recruit

Full time Law Enforcement

Job Description

Effective August 9, 2020, paid incrementally over 4 years.
Deputy Sheriff Recruit is the entry-level law enforcement position for Alameda County. This classification exists solely for those attending the Sheriff's Office Peace Officers Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Certified Academy.
Deputy Sheriff Recruit is a classification characterized by assignment to a P.O.S.T. Certified Academy. Under close supervision during this Academy, the Recruit will receive intensive academic instruction in law enforcement combined with rigorous physical fitness training. Upon successful completion of the Academy, recruits will be sworn in as Peace Officers and promoted to Deputy Sheriff I.
Graduation from high school or possession of an acceptable equivalency certificate, such as the General Educational Development Certificate (State of California).
Valid California State Motor Vehicle Operator's License by the time of appointment to Deputy Sheriff I.
Must be at least 21 years of age at the time of appointment to Deputy Sheriff I. 
Candidates are not required to be a US citizen but must be legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law. (SB 960)
The most suitably qualified candidates must possess the following competencies:

• Read, understand, interpret and applying complex policies, rules, laws, and ordinances pertaining to law enforcement work.
• Write clear, concise, comprehensive reports.
• Accurately observe and remember names, faces, numbers, and events.
• Establish and maintain effective working relations with others.
• Use good judgment in emergency or critical situations.
• Communicate clearly and concisely, verbally, and in writing.
• Perform routine clerical and record-keeping duties.

Special Requirements

A thorough background investigation and psychological examination will be made of all prospective Deputy Sheriff Recruits. A record of any felony conviction will result in disqualification.

Hearing must be normal in each ear.

Using both eyes, must have far vision of at least 20/100 without glasses, correctable to 20/20 with glasses. Must be free from color blindness and permanent abnormality in either eye.

These standards are confined to far vision and color vision. There are additional standards which may apply to other possible specific visual deficiencies.

Applicants must be in excellent physical condition with above-average strength, endurance and agility, and must meet Commission approved safety member physical standards.
Before applying, you must have passing scores on two exams, the POST Entry Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB) written exam and the  Physical Abilities Test (PAT)/Work Sample Test Battery (WSTB). Please see link below for more information on exams.