The Jackson Laboratory

Founded in 1929, The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) is an independent, nonprofit biomedical research institution with more than 1,900 employees who are passionate about our mission: to discover precise genomic solutions for disease and empower the global biomedical community in the shared quest to improve human health. JAX has a academic research campuses in Bar Harbor, Maine, and Farmington, Conn and a research facility in Sacramento, Calif. With over eight decades of innovative research in mammalian genetics and a promising future in genomics, The Jackson Laboratory is finding new ways to predict, prevent, diagnose and treat diseases, with the ultimate goal of developing treatments and cures for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and other diseases. Join our team and contribute to our important mission of discovering precise genomic solutions for disease and empowering the global biomedical community in our shared quest to improve human health. The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine (JAX-GM), located in Farmington, Conn. is transforming medicine through innovative research focused on personalized medicine that will improve patient care, lower costs and benefit human health. Our researchers are searching for new ways to predict, prevent, diagnose, and treat disease with the ultimate goal of developing individualized diagnostics, treatments and cures. JAX-GM sits on a 17-acre site on the campus of the UCONN Health, and faculty includes experts in genetics, genomics and computational biology. JAX-GM employees consist of over 300 biomedical researchers, technicians and support staff in state-of-the-art laboratories and computing facilities. The Jackson Laboratory for Mammalian Genetics (JAX-MG), is a 43-acre campus nestled between the Gulf of Maine and the mountains of Acadia National Park, one mile from downtown Bar Harbor. More than 1,300 Ph.D.s, M.D.s, D.V.M.s and staff support cutting-edge research to investigate the genetic basis of human diseases and disorders. JAX_MG is the epicenter of the Laboratory’s long-standing biomedical education and training programs for academic postdoctoral associates and independent faculty, including numerous educational workshops and conferences that include experts from academia, research and industry. JAX_MGis also headquarters for JAX® Mice, Clinical & Research Services, which annually provides more than three million laboratory mice to more than 20,000 biomedical, pharmaceutical and industrial researchers throughout the world.