The John Stewart Company

Multi-Family Real Estate Development And Property Management

The John Stewart Company (JSCo) was founded by John K. Stewart in 1978 to providing high quality property management for affordable housing in the Bay Area. Today, JSCo is a full-service housing management, development, and consulting organization employing almost 1,500 people state-wide. According to the National Affordable Housing Management Association, JSCo is the largest affordable housing manager in California and the 6th largest nationwide.

The staff at The John Stewart Company is as multi-faceted as the populations we serve. We have been recognized by the State of California with an award for “Excellence in the Workplace” for promoting of ethnic and cultural diversity. Our professional backgrounds are in areas as diverse as real estate, finance, education, accounting and communication. The diversity of experience along with our 42-year track record and expertise in providing Permanent Supportive Housing, exemplifies both the unique perspective and breadth of services we bring to every client.